HACC Lancaster Philosophy Club | hacclancasterphilosophyforum@gmail.com
The word "philosophy" comes from a Greek root which means, "lover of wisdom." The ancient Greeks had the language and the leisure to begin recording their wonderings in this pursuit---wonderings as a way of thinking about the big questions in life. Philosophy has since developed throughout the centuries as a disciplined way of thinking and asking questions. Among the values of studying and practicing philosophy is the sharpening of our reason. Perhaps this is why philosophy majors tend to do very well with the tests necessary to enter medical and law schools, or MBA programs. Recognizing the true value of philosophy and its practice, the mission statement of the Philosophy Club of HACC Lancaster campus is states as follows...
"Gathering together to enjoy the love and pursuit of wisdom, through discussions, friendly debates, attending conferences, and serving our community."
"It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well."​
- Descartes